Veblen at tea hour

On a flight to Switzerland
   three people died sniffing nitrogen,
   sniffing each other's airs
   until, well, the price of arrogance paid
   in full a wellspring of what wore
   silk and Chiffon gone to discount and liquid
On a train, a few smokers decided
   when cold, wear a jacket, when poor
   wear a hide, to hide in front of searchlights
   secondhanding their discount
   and people don't like a charitable breath
   found in a ticket which enters halt
   into pockets of hurry
On a formless man in the body of an artist
   three people somersaulted
   said international things we folk
   don't get and don they a pose fit
   found tiresome in a few second hands
   which, dishpan, do not smell how spray housewomen
   but smell of walking to work in a humid stroll

~ by Jeremy on April 12, 2009.

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